Маркетинг департаментінің директоры (декреттік демалыс уақытына орын басу)
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... Recruitment and selection at Nazarbayev University include the following process: preliminary ... how they fit into Nazarbayev University core values
... команде выпускники ТОП ВУЗов США (University California Berkeley, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, George Washington University, PhD NU, National University of Singapore). Почему открыта вакансия: ...
от 300000 до 1000000 KZT... команде выпускники ТОП ВУЗов США (University California Berkeley, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, George Washington University, PhD NU, National University of Singapore). В связи с ...
от 500000 до 1000000 KZTО нас Мы – Digital Transformation University (DTU), учебный центр с более ...
от 150000 до 500000 KZT... -воспитательной работы ТОО «Astana IT University» 6. Квалификационные требования: 6.1 ...
от 380000 до 480000 KZT