Primary Duties and Responsibilities Demonstrates an understanding of basic tax concepts, including applicability of Double Tax Treaties and International tax trends Assists in drafting first stages of the analysis thoroughly Analyzes information and ...
Requirements: Higher education At least 5 years of relevant experience Proactive attitude and approach to work Excellent managerial skills Excellent communication skills Good time management skills and ability to prioritize Good command of English ...
... supports English language instruction for young professionals working in the fields ...
Duties and Responsibilities: Demonstrate a solid understanding of basic tax concepts and actively seek to increase tax knowledge through client assignments and staying updated on current tax developments. Prepare, research, and identify tax issues using ...
... supports English language instruction for young professionals working in the fields ...
... supports English language instruction for young professionals working in the fields ...
... supports English language instruction for young professionals working in the fields ...
... supports English language instruction for young professionals working in the fields ...
... коллектив, состоящий в основном из young people и рады принять в ...
от 300000 до 800000 KZT
Обязанности: выгрузка с транспортного средства или обратный процесс – из помещения для хранения в ТС; сортировка и размещение, ручные, иногда – с применением спецприспособлений; наведение порядка в помещении, очистка использованных приспособлений. ...
от 209000 до 209000 KZT